Moths are often misunderstood, but they hold vital roles in the wildlife ecosystem.

Although many people overlook them, moths are numerous and widespread, with over 2,500 species in Britain living in a wide range of habitats. 

  • Since 1914 there have been 56 moth extinctions. Six of these have since recolonised or been re-found.

  • The abundance of the UK’s larger moths has crashed during the past 40 years with three species becoming extinct since 2000.

  • The State of Britain’s Larger Moths Report 2013 found that two-thirds of common and widespread larger species (macro-moths) declined in the last 40 years. The losses in abundance were much greater in the southern half of Britain than the north.

Elephant Hawk-moth - John Money

Identify a moth

Spotted a moth but not sure which one? Use our handy ID page to find out. 

Green Silver-lines

A-Z of moths

If you know which moth you would like more information on, use our butterfly A to Z to explore some of the more common moths you could find. 

Light Emerald - Rob Blanken

Recording moths

Want to find out more about recording moths and how to submit your sightings. 

Learn more about moths 

Garden Tiger - Shane Farrell

Why moths matter

Moths play a vital role in telling us about the health of our environment, like the canary in the coalmine. 

Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth - Iain Leach

Gardening for moths

Moths are valuable pollinators that need our help. They play an important role in the garden ecosystem, so it’s vital that we make homes for them. 

Little Emerald - Iain Leach

The State Of Britain's Moths

Read our influential report, with results from our world-leading recording and monitoring schemes.