
Please note that the field trip on Sunday 14th August 2022 to Langdon Cliffs has been cancelled.  Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  • The latest edition of The Adonis (Spring 2022) has been added to the website

Kent is a large county with an impressive range of habitats. Ancient woodland, chalk grassland and miles of coastal parks are home to over forty species of butterflies and some of the rarest moths in the country. If you live in our region and are a member of Butterfly Conservation you automatically become a member of the Kent & South East London branch.  

Our committee and members are active throughout the year and hold regular field trips, work parties and meetings. We are always in need of new people to help with conservation, data recording and fund raising so do get in touch with any of us on the committee - you are guaranteed a warm welcome!


Heath Fritillary Video

Heath Fritillary (upperwing) - Iain Leach

Steve Wheatley, has created a narrated presentation on the Heath Fritillary in Kent.  It is available to watch, for free, on YouTube.  Please click on the link below to view the video


Sightings and records 

Elephant Hawk-moth - Shane Farrell

Moth sightings and recording

Visit the Kent Moth Group for the latest news and sightings. 

Small Blue - Rob Solomon

Submit your butterfly sightings

iRecord is now our recommended recording platform for online recording\records.  Please visit the iRecord website to register and to find out more information on how to register and use the system.

Find out more 

Angle Shades - Bob Eade

Branch news

Keep up to date on our latest news and sign up to our newsletter. 

Dr Amir Khan

Local Hotspots

Get insider information on our favourite local spots. 

Dark Green Fritillary - Nigel Kiteley

White Hill Reserve

The site is known locally as White Hill and is a great location to see many species. 

Get involved 


  • Has the ‘COVID effect’ worn off for nature lovers?

    Big Butterfly Count sees a drop in participants compared to 2020 and 2021, and urges the public not to forget the benefits of being connected to nature – and it’s not too late to take part!

  • Volunteering with Big City Butterflies

    Shae Wiedermann is studying for a Masters in Ecology, Culture and Society at Goldsmiths College, London. She volunteered with the Big City Butterflies project and tells us about her time with the team...

  • Migratory monarch butterfly now Endangered - IUCN Red List

    Gland, Switzerland, 21 July 2022 (IUCN) – The migratory monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus plexippus), known for its spectacular annual journey of up to 4,000 kilometres across the Americas, has entered the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM as Endangered, threatened by habitat destruction and climate change. 

  • Butterfly scientists call on public for help.

    Butterfly Conservation launches this year’s Big Butterfly Count with a warning that time is running out to help save species.

Catch up on all our news


See all our upcoming events

Volunteer with us

Butterfly Conservation relies on the support of thousands of volunteers, and we are always looking for more help inside the office and out in the field. Whether you want to volunteer at a local branch, get outside and help manage our nature reserves, or help with one of our events, we have something for everyone to get involved in! Your time can make a real difference.

Find out how to get involved.