Margaret Riley steps down as Newsletter Editor

As of 10th January 2019, Margaret Riley has stepped down as the branch newsletter editor.  We would like to thank Margaret for all her hard work and time in producing the newsletters, for many years.

If members have any articles, news, stories or photos they would like to provide for the newsletters (going forward) please send them directly to Nathan Jones (Branch Chairman)

Anything already sent in for the Spring 2019 newsletter will be forwarded on.

We would welcome your news, photos and sightings for our website

We would welcome members to submit any news, photos and sightings to update our branch website.  If you have anything you would like to submit please email Ben Kirby:

Items for the Kent & SE London Branch Newsletters

If you have any articles or news stories for the branch newsletter, please email them to our Branch Chairman Nathan Jones.

New Kent & SE London Branch Chairman - Nathan Jones

At our AGM, in October 2018, we welcomed our new branch chairman Nathan Jones.