Discover the latest news and sightings from the Twyford Wood Butterfly Reserve below... 

You can report your sightings and send your photos from Twyford to John Davison @email

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For more details, contact: Martin Kew (tel 01476-860952).

View the Twyford Blog 2021


Twyford Wood Blog 2022

Sunday 3rd July
Martin Kew reports.......

Purple Emperor at Twyford (Martin Kew) 030722
Purple Emperor (Martin Kew) 030722

Saw my first  Purple Emperor and Silver-washed Fritillary(3) of the year today between the reserves.
I recorded good numbers of Marbled White (26) and Ringlet (55) on the Glades transects plus another Silver-washed. Unfortunately I was rained off shortly after! 

Large Skipper at Twyford (Martin Kew) 030722
Large Skipper (Martin Kew) 030722
Comma atTwyford (Martin Kew ) 030722
Comma (Martin Kew ) 030722

Tuesday 21st June
Martin Kew reports......
Walked the transects today and was pleased to see my first Marbled Whites of the year.
Recording 7 at the Glades and 3 at the Sanctuary. There were good numbers of other butterflies on the wing and totals for the reserves were:
Glades. Meadow Brown 15, Ringlet 32, Large Skipper 6, Small Skipper 3, Small Heath 2, Speckled Wood 2 and a Painted Lady.
Sanctuary. Meadow Brown 12, Ringlet 15, Large Skipper 6, Small Skipper 4, Large White 1 and Red Admiral 1.

Tuesday 17th May
Martin Kew reports.......
Walked the transects today and recorded the following:
Glades reserve.
Common Blue 11,Grizzled Skipper 10, Dingy Skipper 19, Small Heath 7 and a Green Hairstreak.

Green Hairstreak at Twyford (Martin Kew 170522
Green Hairstreak (Martin Kew 170522

Sanctuary reserve.
Common Blue 6, Grizzled Skipper 5, Dingy Skipper 10, Small Heath 1, Brown Argus 2, Green Hairstreak 2 and an Orange-tip.

Brown Argus at Twyford (Martin Kew 170522
Brown Argus (Martin Kew 170522

Wednesday 11th May
Phil Bowler visited........
Here is a list of what I saw at the Sanctuary:
Wavy-barred Sable   6
Burnet Companion    2
Grizzled Skipper        4
Dingy Skipper            24
Brimstone                  1f
Large White               1m
Green-veined White   11m
Orange Tip                  3m
Green Hairstreak         0    not thoroughly checked and weather not very good.
 Holly Blue                   1
Common Blue              2m
Red Admiral                 1  fresh looking
Speckled Wood           2
Small Heath                 3

Friday 6th May
Suzanne Nelson messaged: "Today I spent a rewarding and enjoyable couple of hours walking around Twyford Wood and noted the following: 2 Grizzled Skipper, 10+ Dingy Skipper, 1 Green Hairstreak, 1 Red Admiral, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, 1 Peacock, 1 Small White, 7 Green-veined White, 4 Orange-tip, 2 Holly Blue and 3 Brimstone."

Thursday 5th May
Martin Kew reports..........
Walked the transects on a lovely sunny morning. 
Skipper numbers were:
Glades. Grizzled 5, Dingy 4.
Sanctuary. Grizzled 4, Dingy 22!
Also recorded my first Small Heath of the season at the Sanctuary and sighted two Grizzled between the reserves.

Les Catchick e-mails........
The unexpectedly good weather this morning got me to visit Twyford Wood. There were lots of both Grizzled and Dingy Skippers around but no one else looking at butterflies.

Dingy Skipper at Twyford (Les Catchick) 050522
Dingy Skipper (Les Catchick) 050522
Grizzled Skipper at Twyford (Les Catchick) 050522
Grizzled Skipper (Les Catchick) 050522

Sunday 24th April
Martin Kew reports.......

Walked the transects today and in spite of the fresh breeze I recorded my first Skippers! Two Grizzled at the Glades and one at the Sanctuary.
Also one Dingy at the Glades. Other butterflies recorded over the two reserves were Brimstone 2, Green-veined White 3, Orange-tip 3, Holly Blue 1 and Peacock 4. 

Grizzled Skipper at Twyford (Martin Kew) 240422
Grizzled Skipper (Martin Kew) 240422

Saturday 12th March

Twyford Workparty (Collette Tait) 120322
Workparty (Collette Tait) 120322

Lovely day for working and a good turnout of BC and Colsterworth personnel attended this years workparty, sadly lost for the last 2 years due to covid.

Twyford Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (1)
Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (1)

 Work was carried at at both BC sites.

Twyford Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (2)
Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (2)

 Good bird spotting with Buzzard, Red Kite and Raven.

Twyford Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (3)
Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (3)

 Lots of Deer prints and a Wood Mouse seen at the Sanctuary site.

Twyford Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (4)
Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (4)


Twyford Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (5)
Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (5)
Twyford Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (6)
Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (6)


Twyford Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (7)
Workparty (John Davison) 120322 (7)