This moth varies in colour from light to dark grey, but the darker central band bordered by white is distinctive.  It is similar to the Yellow-ringed Carpet but without the golden-orange scales along the central band of the forewing.  The Striped Twin-spot Carpet bears some resemblance, but is smaller in size and markings are not as bold.

The adults rest during the day on rocks, walls and tree trunks from which they are easily disturbed. they fly from dusk and into the night. The caterpillars can be found from July or Augusst to late the following May or June. They pupate in a cocoon among the stems of the foodplant.

Size and Family

  • Family – Carpets and Allies (Larentiines)
  • Medium Sized 
  • Wingspan range - 32-38mm

Conservation Status

  • UK BAP: Priority species (Research only)
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

Heathers and Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus).


Found on mountains and moorland, usually amongst exposed rocky situations, such as along gullies and ravines.


  • Countries – England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
  • Well distributed and common in upland areas of mid- and north Wales, northern England and Scotland, also occurring on the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland.  More restricted in distribution in south Wales and the south-west Midlands.  Also found on the Isle of Man. Widespread, but with scattered records in Ireland.
Grey Mountain Carpet - Iain Leach

Grey Mountain Carpet

Grey Mountain Carpet - Iain Leach

Grey Mountain Carpet

Grey Mountain Carpet - Iain Leach

Grey Mountain Carpet

Grey Mountain Carpet - Tim Melling

Grey Mountain Carpet

Grey Mountain Carpet - Stuart Read

Grey Mountain Carpet

Grey Mountain Carpet by Dave Green

Grey Mountain Carpet