Our conservation projects in England are managed by our national staff based at our Head Office in Dorset and by our network of regional staff.

Duke of Burgundy (female/upperwing) - Mark Searle

We generally direct our conservation effort to key regions where we can halt and reverse the decline of our endangered butterfly species.  

Many of the projects work at a landscape-scale, where our projects co-ordinate the conservation and management of habitats for a range of species across a large natural area, often made up of a network of sites.

All of our projects are run in close collaboration with local landowners, conservation partners and with our branches who also organise many projects in their areas.

Find more information below on some of the current and completed projects undertaken in various regions throughout England.

National Projects:

South West England:

South East England:

West Midlands:

East Midlands:

Northern England:

More details on some of the above projects can be found in the Landscape-scale conservation report.