Brimstones - Adam Gor

Butterfly Conservation is deeply saddened to learn of the death of Vincent Weir, who was a Vice President and one of the charity’s biggest donors.

Vincent WeirVincent was an intensely private man who quietly supported several small wildlife charities, including Butterfly Conservation. He recognised that the biggest problem facing small charities was core income to provide the bedrock for growth. He was a great friend of BC’s first President, Sir Peter Scott, and in recognition of the dramatic decline of butterflies gave BC two endowments from which the charity could take the proceeds each year while leaving the capital intact.

BC’s Chief Executive, Dr Martin Warren, has known Vincent for nearly 40 years and said “Vincent Weir was a remarkable man who had a profound impact on the conservation of butterflies and other wildlife. He had the foresight and wisdom to provide financial support to Butterfly Conservation in the form of an endowment that allowed the charity to develop into a professional organisation that is capable of tackling the huge problems facing butterflies and moths. This was a living legacy that will continue to enrich our wildlife and keep his memory alive for years to come.”

His funeral will be held on 6th March. Further details of his life and achievement can be found on the Vincent Wildlife Trust website