Mae’r oedolion yn hedfan yn agos i’r ddaear, gan aros yn aml i gymryd neithdar o flodau megis Mieri ac Ysgall. Gellir gwahaniaethu rhyngddi a’r Fritheg Berlog ar sail y perlau gwynnaidd mwy niferus sydd ar du isaf yr adennydd cefn, y sieffrynau duon sydd o gwmpas y perlau allanol, a’r smotyn canolig du sy’n fwy o faint.
Erys y glöyn byw yma’n eang ei ddosbarthiad ac yn niferus mewn mannau yn yr Alban a Chymru, ond mae ei niferoedd wedi gostwng yn arw yn Lloegr.

Until recently this was only a rare immigrant to mainland Britain, but it is now resident in small numbers in Devon. It also appears occasionally elsewhere on the south-west coast and is resident in the Channel Islands.

Flight Times

Flies in July and August, and then in September and October. The second brood overwinters as an adult and reappears in the spring.

Size and Family

  • Family – Erebidae

  • Small Sized

The English name of the Twenty-plume Moth is something of a misnomer, as each wing is separated into 6 'plumes'. The scientific name is more accurate, meaning 'six-fingered'.

The only British member of its family, the moth is nocturnal and attracted to light.

Flight Times

Flies all-year-round.

Size and Family

  • Family – Alucitidae

  • Small Sized

  • Wingspan Range – 14-16mm

Conservation Status

  • UK BAP: Not listed

  • Fairly common

One of our more common winter moths, especially during mild spells, and can be found feeding at sallow blossom in early spring

Flight Season

Flies from September through to May.

Size and Family

  • Family – Noctuidae
  • Small Sized
  • Wingspan Range – 28-36mm

Conservation status

  • UK BAP: Not listed
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

Caterpillars feed on the foliage of a range of trees, including birch (Betula) and oak (Quercus).

A variable species but most often encountered as a reddish-brown ground colour with white or orange reniform stigmata. The small 'satellites' either side of the stigma can be obscure, especially in worn individuals.

Adult moths are attracted to sugar and light.

Flight Season

Flies from September through to April in one generation.

A variable species, with some strongly-banded individuals, others plain brownish with darker speckling. The females are completely wingless. Overwinter as an egg.

Flight Season

Flies from October into December in one generation.

Similar to other species and can be very difficult to separate on markings alone, especially as some show marked melanism.

Caterpillars can be found in late spring.

Flight Season

Flies from late September to November in one generation.

Size and Family

  • Family – Geometridae
  • Medium Sized
  • Wingspan Range – 38-44mm

Conservation status

  • UK BAP: Not listed
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

Caterpillars feed on a variety of trees and shrubs.

The Vestal is a migrant species, occurring primarily in southern England but in varying numbers. In good immigration years, several hundred may appear, almost anywhere in Britain.

The amount and intensity of the pink pigmentation varies. Native to southern Europe and North Africa.

It flies mainly at night and is regularly attracted to light.

Flight Season

Most UK records are from August to October.

A Chestnut-brown or grey-brown moth with broad, round forewings. The central cross-band is relatively broad in the trailing half of the forewing, with no major indentation or scalloping. The single dark dash at the wing tip distinguishes it from similar species such as Juniper Carpet, which has several dark dashes near the tip and a scalloped central band.

The moth is unlikely to be seen far from Common Juniper.

Adults are attracted to light. Overwinters as small larvae. Larvae occur from September to early June; pupates among leaves or fallen needles of foodplant.

An elusive moth but can be found at rest on foodplants Ash and Wild Privet and flitting about after dark. Comes to light in small numbers.

A brown or blackish central crossband is diagnostic for this species, elbowed and divided in two in the leading half of the rounded, tapering forewing. There is little variation in this marking, but it can vary in intensity and width. Males have a small lobe on the hind wing.

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