Mae’r oedolion yn hedfan yn agos i’r ddaear, gan aros yn aml i gymryd neithdar o flodau megis Mieri ac Ysgall. Gellir gwahaniaethu rhyngddi a’r Fritheg Berlog ar sail y perlau gwynnaidd mwy niferus sydd ar du isaf yr adennydd cefn, y sieffrynau duon sydd o gwmpas y perlau allanol, a’r smotyn canolig du sy’n fwy o faint.
Erys y glöyn byw yma’n eang ei ddosbarthiad ac yn niferus mewn mannau yn yr Alban a Chymru, ond mae ei niferoedd wedi gostwng yn arw yn Lloegr.

Ceir y rhywogaeth yma yng nghoetiroedd de ddwyrain Lloegr, yng Nghaint, Sussex a Surrey, mae hi wedi cael ei chofnodi’n ddiweddar hefyd ar sawl safle yng ngogledd orllewin Lloegr, ac mae ardal Bae Morecambe yn gadarnle iddi. Mae’n gyfarwydd hefyd yn Swydd Henffordd a Swydd Caerloyw; adroddwyd am ei phresenoldeb yn Swydd Lincoln, ac mae wedi cael ei chofnodi yn y gorffennol mewn sawl sir arall.

The rather bright green caterpillar is marked with black blotches and whitish lateral lines.

Flight Times

Flies from September onwards before hibernating and reappearing in March or April.

Size and Family

  • Family – Noctuidae

  • Medium Sized

  • Wingspan Range – 58-68mm

Conservation Status

  • UK BAP: Listed

  • Priority Species

Caterpillar Food Plants

The caterpillars feed on a variety of plants including dock (Rumex)

The females of the Pale Brindled Beauty are completely wingless, or apterous, a feature which is often found in moths which emerge in the winter months.

This species shows marked melanism, the black form f. monacharia being commoner than the typical form in certain parts.

Flight Times

Males fly from January to March, searching for the females which have climbed up tree-trunks.

Size and Family

  • Family – Geometridae

  • Medium Sized

A species of autumn and spring, the Red-green Carpet can be seen in September and October before hibernating as an adult and flying again in the early spring.

The adult moth has a subtle combination of reddish and green colours which can sometimes appear to change, depending on the light.

Flight Times

Flies in September and October, hibernating as an adult and flying again in early spring.

Size and Family

  • Family – Geometridae

  • Small/Medium Sized

A variable species but most often encountered as a reddish-brown ground colour with white or orange reniform stigmata. The small 'satellites' either side of the stigma can be obscure, especially in worn individuals.

Adult moths are attracted to sugar and light.

Flight Season

Flies from September through to April in one generation.

A variable species, with some strongly-banded individuals, others plain brownish with darker speckling. The females are completely wingless. Overwinter as an egg.

Flight Season

Flies from October into December in one generation.

Mae’r adenydd blaen yn llwydfrown golosg eu lliw, â marciau tonnog gwyn hufennaidd. Mae’r benywod yn fwy o lawer na’r gwrywod.
Nid yw’r gwyfynod llawn dwf yn gallu ymborthi. Byddant yn hedfan gyda’r nos, ac maent yn cael eu denu gan oleuni. Ceir hyd i’r lindys o fis Ebrill tan fis Mehefin, yn ymborthi gyda’r nos neu’n gorffwys ar frigau neu risgl coed yn ystod y dydd, nes iddynt droi’n chwiler dan risgl neu ymhlith gweddillion marw planhigion. Maent yn treulio’r gaeaf ar ffurf wyau ar y planhigion ymborthi.
Maint a Theulu

Similar to other species and can be very difficult to separate on markings alone, especially as some show marked melanism.

Caterpillars can be found in late spring.

Flight Season

Flies from late September to November in one generation.

Size and Family

  • Family – Geometridae
  • Medium Sized
  • Wingspan Range – 38-44mm

Conservation status

  • UK BAP: Not listed
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

Caterpillars feed on a variety of trees and shrubs.

The Mullein is more often found in the caterpillar stage than as an adult but can be seen when attracted to light.

Flight Season

Flies from April to May in one generation.

Size and Family

  • Family – Noctuidae
  • Medium Sized
  • Wingspan Range – 45-50mm

Conservation Status

  • UK BAP: Not listed
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

Caterpillars in the wild feed on species of mullein (Verbascum) and in gardens, on Buddleia.

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