Mae’r oedolion yn hedfan yn agos i’r ddaear, gan aros yn aml i gymryd neithdar o flodau megis Mieri ac Ysgall. Gellir gwahaniaethu rhyngddi a’r Fritheg Berlog ar sail y perlau gwynnaidd mwy niferus sydd ar du isaf yr adennydd cefn, y sieffrynau duon sydd o gwmpas y perlau allanol, a’r smotyn canolig du sy’n fwy o faint.
Erys y glöyn byw yma’n eang ei ddosbarthiad ac yn niferus mewn mannau yn yr Alban a Chymru, ond mae ei niferoedd wedi gostwng yn arw yn Lloegr.

A species of autumn and spring, the Red-green Carpet can be seen in September and October before hibernating as an adult and flying again in the early spring.

The adult moth has a subtle combination of reddish and green colours which can sometimes appear to change, depending on the light.

Flight Times

Flies in September and October, hibernating as an adult and flying again in early spring.

Size and Family

  • Family – Geometridae

  • Small/Medium Sized

Can be similar to Dark Crimson Underwing, but is usually smaller with a lighter and more variegated forewing.

Like most other British Catocala species, this moth can be attracted to light as well as sugar.

Flight Season

Flies between July and August.

Size and Family

  • Family: Underwings
  • Large Sized 
  • Wing Span Range (male to female) - 60-65mm

Caterpillar Food Plants

Caterpillars feed on Oak (Quercus)


Oak woodland.

Not found in the UK. This striking butterfly exhibits seasonal dimorphism, having two forms, levana and prorsa that represent the spring and summer broods. levana individuals are primarily orange in colour, giving them the appearance of a small fritillary, whereas prorsa individuals look more like a small White Admiral.

A large, strong-flying butterfly restricted to the Norfolk Broads, although migrants are occasionally seen elsewhere. Pale yellow wings with black veins and blue margins.

This is one of our rarest and most spectacular butterflies. The British race britannicus is a specialist of wet fenland and is currently restricted to the Norfolk Broads. Here the adults can be seen flying powerfully over open fen vegetation, stopping to feed on flowers such as thistles and Ragged-Robin.

The adults fly at night and are attracted to light, especially the males. They can sometimes be found resting on tree trunks or posts during the day. The caterpillars can be found from April to June after they have overwintered as eggs.

Light green in colour with black markings, some of which are edged in white.

The adults feed at ivy flowers and overripe berries. They overwinter as eggs on branches or in bark crevices of the foodplant. The young caterpillars will first feed inside an opening bud and then when they are larger they will feed only at night, spending the day hiding in a bark crevice on the tree trunk.

This Fritillary is similar in size and habitats to the Pearl-bordered Fritillary but is more widespread and occurs in damper, grassy habitats as well as woodland clearings and moorland.

The adults fly close to the ground, stopping frequently to take nectar from flowers such as Bramble and thistles. It can be identified from the more numerous whitish pearls on the underside hind wings, the outer ones bordered by black chevrons and from the larger black central dot.

Superficially similar to a number of other tortricid moths, resembling a bird-dropping. The moth has been found on the trunks of apple trees and also occasionally comes to light.

The caterpillar overwinters in a small mine in a leaf of Mistletoe, which by late spring when the larva is full-fed has become a pale inflated blister mine. The larva leaves the mine and pupates in a cocoon under bark or amongst lichens on the host tree.

Flight Season

Flies in July and August.

The wings usually have a netted, or ‘latticed’, appearance, created by dark cross lines and veins on the paler ground colour on the upper and underside of the wings. Rarely, a melanic form can occur.  Similar to the Common Heath and Netted Mountain Moth, but the resting posture of the former, with the wings held flat, should help to distinguish the Latticed Heath from that species. The markings of the Latticed Heath are also generally more defined than either of the other species.

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