Adscita statices
Mae’n arwynebol debyg i’r Coediwr Prin (A. globulariae) a’r coediwr Bach (A. geryon), ac mae angen gofalu gwahaniaethu rhyngddynt. Fe’i ceir yn aml yn ymborthi ar  flodau megis Bara’r Cythraul, y Benlas Wen ac Ysgall y Gors.
Mae’n treulio’r gaeaf fel larfa. Ar y dechrau mae’n turio trwy’r dail, cyn ymborthi ar y tu allan i’r dail is. Mae’n chwileru mewn sidangod a wëir ganddo yn isel uwchben y ddaear, ynghudd ymhlith y llystyfiant.

Mae’r oedolion yn hedfan yn agos i’r ddaear, gan aros yn aml i gymryd neithdar o flodau megis Mieri ac Ysgall. Gellir gwahaniaethu rhyngddi a’r Fritheg Berlog ar sail y perlau gwynnaidd mwy niferus sydd ar du isaf yr adennydd cefn, y sieffrynau duon sydd o gwmpas y perlau allanol, a’r smotyn canolig du sy’n fwy o faint.
Erys y glöyn byw yma’n eang ei ddosbarthiad ac yn niferus mewn mannau yn yr Alban a Chymru, ond mae ei niferoedd wedi gostwng yn arw yn Lloegr.

Mae’n hawdd peidio â gweld ein glöyn byw brodorol lleiaf i gyd, yn rhannol oherwydd ei faint a’i liw tywyll, ond yn rhannol hefyd oherwydd na ddeuwn o hyd iddo’n aml ond ar glytiau bach o laswelltir cysgodol lle mae ei unig blanhigyn bwyd, sef Meillion Melyn (Bysedd Mair), i’w weld yn tyfu.

Until recently this was only a rare immigrant to mainland Britain, but it is now resident in small numbers in Devon. It also appears occasionally elsewhere on the south-west coast and is resident in the Channel Islands.

Flight Times

Flies in July and August, and then in September and October. The second brood overwinters as an adult and reappears in the spring.

Size and Family

  • Family – Erebidae

  • Small Sized

The English name of the Twenty-plume Moth is something of a misnomer, as each wing is separated into 6 'plumes'. The scientific name is more accurate, meaning 'six-fingered'.

The only British member of its family, the moth is nocturnal and attracted to light.

Flight Times

Flies all-year-round.

Size and Family

  • Family – Alucitidae

  • Small Sized

  • Wingspan Range – 14-16mm

Conservation Status

  • UK BAP: Not listed

  • Fairly common

The females of the Pale Brindled Beauty are completely wingless, or apterous, a feature which is often found in moths which emerge in the winter months.

This species shows marked melanism, the black form f. monacharia being commoner than the typical form in certain parts.

Flight Times

Males fly from January to March, searching for the females which have climbed up tree-trunks.

Size and Family

  • Family – Geometridae

  • Medium Sized

A species of autumn and spring, the Red-green Carpet can be seen in September and October before hibernating as an adult and flying again in the early spring.

The adult moth has a subtle combination of reddish and green colours which can sometimes appear to change, depending on the light.

Flight Times

Flies in September and October, hibernating as an adult and flying again in early spring.

Size and Family

  • Family – Geometridae

  • Small/Medium Sized

A migrant species that can sometimes arrive in large influxes with other migrants.

The Rusty Dot Pearl has multiple generations each year, usually spending winter as a pupa in the soil.

Caterpillars can reach a length of 10–15 millimetres (0.39–0.59 in. The adult moth flies at night and is attracted to light.

Flight Times

Primarily a migrant species to the UK but can be found at almost any time of the year.

Size and Family

  • Family – Crambidae

  • Small Sized 

One of our more common winter moths, especially during mild spells, and can be found feeding at sallow blossom in early spring

Flight Season

Flies from September through to May.

Size and Family

  • Family – Noctuidae
  • Small Sized
  • Wingspan Range – 28-36mm

Conservation status

  • UK BAP: Not listed
  • Common

Caterpillar Food Plants

Caterpillars feed on the foliage of a range of trees, including birch (Betula) and oak (Quercus).

The name 'Wax Moth' refers to the moth's lifestyle - it lives in beehives, where the larvae feed on the honeycomb. Adults can be attracted to light.

The males of this species have a distinctively concave outer edge to the forewing; the females are generally plainer in appearance with a less concave edge.

Flight Season

Flies between June and October.

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