• Scottish Butterfly information and maps

    A new set of pages have been created on the East Scotland Branch website on Scottish butterflies including distribution maps.

  • Records of the bellana form of Eana penziana published

    The Sterling and Parsons micro moth field guide suggested that the inland bellana form of Eana penziana might be extinct. Mark Cubitt and Tom Prescott published a short note in the Entomologist's Record with details of records that they and others have had of this form in recent years to put the record straight. The note can be viewed from the news article.

  • Scottish Moth Recording Spreadsheet

    There is a new version of the Scottish Moth Recording Spreadsheet available which has a number of useful enhancements including checking flight periods and micro moth validation help.

  • Scottish Macro Moth List - 2020

    The latest revision of the Scottish Macro-moth Species List compiled by Roy Leverton has been produced. This covers known records to the end of 2020.

  • Scottish Small Blue Week: big boost for small blue

    Appeal to public in Scotland to help spot the UK's smallest butterfly

  • Plea for sightings of Small Copper butterfly in Scotland

    Wildlife lovers across Scotland are being asked to look out for the Small Copper butterfly this summer, amidst fears it could be struggling.

  • Helping Hands for Butterflies in Scotland

    Butterfly Conservation has received a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of £74,200 for a new project, which will help get volunteers creating meadows for butterflies in central Scotland.

  • Grants to create Pollinator Habitat

    Butterfly Conservation’s East Scotland Branch has launched a new small grants scheme. They will be awarding five grants of up to £200 each to assist the creation of pollinator habitat. 

  • Blue Butterfly Boom in Scottish Summer

    A beautiful blue butterfly which has been struggling for the last 40 years could be making a comeback in Scotland.

  • Searching for butterflies on the bog

    Butterfly Conservation Scotland are calling on nature enthusiasts to look for the Small Tortoiseshell and other species at Edinburgh's last peatbog -  the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Red Moss of Balerno reserve.

  • Hibernating Herald Project update - Spring 2019

    Since the Hibernating Herald project began in December 2016 people from across Scotland have been visiting dark places in the depth of winter to seek out overwintering moths. 

  • Munching caterpillars head into Scottish Schools

    Children across Scotland’s towns and cities are being given the chance to reconnect with nature as part of a new project by wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation (BC).

  • Scottish moths battling unfair reputation

    Around three-quarters of the Scottish population (74%) have some negative opinion of moths, with many people believing the majority eat clothes and are pests, a study has revealed.

  • Major study reveals 46% decline in moth abundance

    Moth numbers have declined over the last 25 years in Scotland while their distribution has increased, a report has revealed. 

  • Sending in Butterfly Records

    Thanks to technology it is easier than ever to send in sightings of butterflies. Thousands of records are received this way every year now, and it has helped open the world of butterfly recording to people who may never have recorded an insect. But how can you go about it?

  • Early Butterflies

    After February's phenomenal mini heatwave no less than 7 Butterfly species were recorded within the East Branch area. Very unusual. Here are a few of the photographs showing Speckled Wood (Robert Wright) Painted Lady (Jim Montana), Peacock and Comma (Iain Cowe)

  • Top nature experts confirmed for Coul Links inquiry in the Scottish Highlands

    Read here for the latest developments on the controversial plans to create a golf course at Coul Links near Embo, Sutherland, in the Highlands of Scotland. 

    BC has joined with a number of other organisations to try and protect the wide range of wildlife found at the site.

  • Scotland News: Butterfly sets up in the city

    A butterfly once restricted to a small part of Scotland is making a comeback by expanding its range in the countryside and moving into cities like Edinburgh and more recently, Aberdeen.

  • New moth discovered in Scotland

    A moth normally associated with southern England and Wales has been discovered in Scotland for the first time.


  • Peacock thrives in heatwave summer

    One of Scotland’s most striking butterflies, the Peacock, has experienced a record summer as it thrived in heatwave conditions, results from the Big Butterfly Count revealed.

  • Man the ramparts for marching butterflies

    History fans are being asked to take a closer look at castles this summer in a bid to track the changing fortunes of one of the UK’s most striking and overlooked butterflies.

  • Looking for the blues in Scotland

    Wildlife lovers across Scotland’s towns and cities are being asked to look out for the country’s only widespread blue butterfly this summer, amidst fears it could be struggling.

  • Small Blue Week: Big ask for Scotland’s smallest butterfly

    Wildlife lovers are being asked to help Scotland’s smallest butterfly, which has found itself in big trouble.

  • Butterfly breeds for first time in 130 years

    A declining butterfly may have started breeding in Scotland for the first time in 130 years, after eggs were discovered by amateur naturalists in Berwickshire earlier this month...

  • Butterfly discovered in Scotland after 130 year absence

    White-letter Hairstreak discovered in Scotland for the first time in 130 years

  • Saving Scotland’s Butterflies

    An innovative project to halt the decline of butterflies in urban areas of central Scotland has been launched in Glasgow - can you help?
  • Bringing back Scotland's urban butterflies

    People in central Scotland are being asked to help protect butterflies in their area, following the severe decline of three previously common species...
  • Green Gem Discovered By Pitlochry Pond

    An overlooked yet beautiful butterfly has been seen in much greater numbers than normal in Scotland this year...